Dr Sandeep H Cliff

Dr Cliff and his Philosophy
Cliff Dermatology Ltd aims to provide a comprehensive dermatology service – incorporating the diagnosis and management of the full range of dermatological conditions and also offering a range of aesthetic and cosmetic treatments for the skin aiming to both restore and to rejuvenate the skin.
I recognise that both physical and mental health can be affected if the largest organ of the body - skin - is not functioning well. I endeavour to help to restore the skin to health where possible and in doing so assist in your overall well being
The company works closely with other colleagues from a number of other allied specialties including rheumatologists, plastic surgeons amongst others to ensure that patients are confident that a holistic approach is being taken for all their skin needs and other medical needs
Dr Cliff has trained in general medicine and finds this most useful since many skin conditions are presentations of internal diseases and sometimes provide clues as to other medical problems
Additionally Dr Cliff works in the NHS and is clinical lead in Dermatology so is able to link in with colleagues from other disciplines to offer the latest therapies and to access all research studies. In fact I am currently Chief Investigator for 2 clinical studies and Principle investigator for 3 studies.
The philosophy of Cliff Dermatology Ltd is to provide a high quality service to patients who are referred to the company. Dr Cliff, who works within the company, is keen to ensure that patients are fully informed at all times of their diagnosis and the treatment options that are available to them. Dr Cliff has sat on a number of patient groups and appreciates the importance of good information but also the importance of honesty at all times.
Cliff Dermatology Ltd generates its referral base from self referrals and word of mouth and local GPs – the best advert!.
The company is keen to ensure that patients have the options to have procedures done on the day of consultation if both convenient and practicable to the patient. This option for some patients helps to reduce the anxiety of waiting for treatment and the result and also for many busy people avoids unnecessary visits to the hospital.
However patients at all times have the option to defer the treatment until a more suitable date can be found - this can be discussed and organised on the day. Children (under the age of 16) can also be treated at some of the hospitals – please check with the hospital in advance or call our secretary/PA Ms Sarah Edwards on 01293 562195/07376103576 to check. Sarah has been working with the service for some time and is fully conversant with the service/treatments and prices on all services offered. Some insurance companies do require authorisation in order for any procedures to be undertaken which can sometimes mean that certain treatments can not be undertaken on the day – however please be reassured that if there is a clinical indication to undertake treatment/investigations on the day this will be undertaken with Cliff Dermatology Ltd aiming to apply for retrospective cover.
Dr Cliff, who works within the company, is a Consultant Dermatologist and undertook his dermatological training in London at St George’s Medical School. As a dermatologist Dr Cliff has been trained in the diagnosis and treatments of skin diseases which include diseases of the hair and nails. Since the skin is the biggest organ of the body it is clearly prone to a lot of ‘diseases’ from birth to death. Primarily in the young, the main skin conditions they face are eczema and infections like warts, impetigo. In young adults a major issue is acne, oily skin and changing moles. In the older patient skin cancer is a major problem as well as hair loss both in men and women. The company is fully conversant and competent in the management of all types of acne which is both distressing and potentially disfiguring to patients. A full assessment of the skin is always available if requested/required and there is plenty of opportunity to discuss all aspects of skin care.
As we grow older our skin ages and although we can do things to maintain a more youthful appearing skin like the use of sun block we can now also use treatments to limit and even in some situations reverse the ageing process. These include facial peels, creams, toxins and dermal fillers to add volume to parts of the skin including the lips, cheeks and hands
I am a member black skin directory - an organisation that connects patients of colour with dermatologists with experience in the management of patients of colour

The internet has a number of websites which can be daunting to patients seeking reliable information on their skin condition(s). The most reliable and updated site is the British Association of Dermatology website which is accessible via www.bad.org.uk. On this website there are a number of information leaflets on common and not so common skin conditions and their treatments. Dr Cliff is a member of this organisation as well as the British Society of Dermatology Surgery (BCDS)

Cliff Dermatology Ltd takes your privacy and right to privacy very seriously. We will never intentionally disclose any of your personal data or information to a third party. We are conscious of the importance of privacy. There will be certain situations in which information will need to be discussed with other clinicians - such as requesting a second opinion, to discuss the management of complex rashes and/or tumours with colleagues or as part of a multidisciplinary meeting. It is also a national requirement to discuss all patients with a histological diagnosis of melanoma or squamous cell carcinoma at a so called MDT meeting (composed up of plastic surgeons, oncologists, dermatologists and clinical nurses) this is to ensure that your care is optimum at all times.
If at any time you wish to discuss any issues pertaining to your privacy please feel free to contact my PA who will be happy to assist.